Your turnkey solution for Maritime Surveillance

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TZ Coastal Monitoring

An intuitive and user-friendly VTS system.

PROITSA in strategic alliance with NOBELTEC, a leading software developer
for marine navigation presents TZ Coastal Monitoring solution.

TZ Coastal Monitoring supports a wide variety of radar sensors,
AIS, weather station and CCTV systems with multiple configurations that
allow to monitor and protect your operations which allows to offer an excellent solution for maritime traffic.


All the information generated is integrated into a single device.
Ergonomic and intuitive user interface, easy to learn.
Garantizar el control permanente y vigilancia de los movimientos de embarcaciones en una zona.
Fast and fluid graphics engine, with homogeneous zoom without scale limitations.
Definition of unlimited monitoring and surveillance areas with unrestricted archive of all generated data.



TZ Coastal Monitoring ofrece una compatibilidad nativa con la mayoría de los radares. Esta solución es el único sistema que ofrece un nivel de integración tan alto con los radares Furuno, hasta 10 radares pueden ser fusionados, presentados y controlados remotamente desde TZ Coastal Monitoring.


TZ Coastal Monitoring is compatible with all AIS receivers/sender. Receivers are only able to display the targets on the screen, while AIS transducers offer the possibility to automatically send text messages to vessels entering protected areas.


TZ Coastal Monitoring can integrate AXIS, FLIR and those cameras compatible with Pelco-D standard protocol. Our fully automatic video target tracking allows to easily monitor all potential threats. Up to 12 cameras can be displayed and controlled from TZ Coastal Monitoring.

weather data

TZ Coastal Monitoring also allows the integration of weather station to present wind and pressure conditions in real-time.